Communication with the School

Landsdale Primary School

The connection between home and school is crucial to a child's education. Effective communication between school and families is vital for fostering mutual understanding and improving the educational experience for children.

When communication is strong, it helps to create a more supportive and successful environment.

Communication at Landsdale Primary School

At Landsdale Primary School we communicate with the community in a variety of ways:

  • Regular notices through Compass
  • Landsdale Primary School Website
  • Facebook
  • SMS
  • Formal Written Reports
  • Parent-teacher interviews (as required)
  • Notes/letters
  • Newsletters
  • Surveys
  • Annual Report
  • Displays of children’s work
  • Assemblies
  • Special events and celebrations (e.g. ANZAC service, carnivals, parades, concerts)
  • Parent information sessions
  • Term planners (can this also be a visible link that goes directly to the term planner)
  • Compass calendar


Compass is the main form of communication between staff and families at Landsdale Primary School. All families are provided with individualised log on information to Compass upon enrolment. We will communicate with parents/caregivers via the Compass newsfeed, app notifications and email.

Compass can be used to communicate the following:

  • Appointments
  • Student feedback/progress
  • Reminders
  • Photos of important notes (in case they don’t make it home)
  • Upcoming events/important dates
  • Overviews of content being taught in class
  • Requests
  • Absences or pre-planned early pickups
  • Classroom or playground incidents or injuries
  • Concerns

All compass messages from parents will be acknowledged within 24 hours or by the next school day and actioned according to Department guidelines.

Parents are advised that anything that needs an immediate response during class time should be communicated through the office (e.g. unplanned early pick up, change of plans where child will be picked up from etc.)

Parent Information Sessions

At the beginning of each year, teachers hold a meeting for their students' parents/caregivers at a scheduled time after school to maximise attendance. This meeting provides a chance to meet your child's classroom teacher. During the session, teachers will discuss curriculum programs, behaviour management, homework expectations, and other operational aspects and expectations for the year. It’s also an opportunity to ask questions you may have about the year ahead.  While the parent information sessions are not meant for formal interviews, you can arrange individual meetings at this time if needed.

Interviews / Meetings

The staff at Landsdale Primary School are always happy to discuss with parents/caregivers any issues that may arise either with their children’s schooling or general welfare. For any queries or concerns that relate to the classroom, regarding your child’s academic progress, behaviour, homework, attendance or social and emotional well-being, please direct these to your child’s classroom teacher in the first instance. Please do this by making an appointment with the classroom teacher to avoid disrupting the learning program or preparation time that occurs before school. If you feel that your concerns need to be directed to the Principal or Deputy Principal please contact the office so that we can arrange a suitable time.

For enquiries of a general nature please visit our website or contact the office on
9408 3850.

Enrol at our School


Landsdale Primary School

To enrol at our school your child must meet eligibility requirements

Together We Grow

We respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting, the Wadjuk Noongar people. It is a privilege to be standing on Wadjuk country. We also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.

T: 08 9408 3850

Landsdale Primary School
The Broadview, Landsdale WA 6065

Open in Google Maps