Students at Educational Risk

Landsdale Primary School


The Department of Education defines a Student at Educational Risk as a “student’s whose academic, social and/or emotional attributes are a barrier to engagement with the content and standards defined in the Western Australian Curriculum”.  

At Landsdale PS we have consistent processes, from Kindergarten to year 6, to assist in identifying a SAER student. The identification process begins with the gathering of data from whole school assessments, through to the use of tracking sheets, work samples, attendance records, formal reporting and discussions with parents/carers.


If a student is identified as at educational risk provisions are put in place with very clear processes to follow:

  • Creation of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP).
  • Regular contact with parents or carers.
  • Referral to outside agencies, where required.
  • Access to intervention processes, where required.
  • Teaching and learning adjustments made within the teaching and learning programs.
  • Time frame allocated with a review date stated.
  • Comprehensive handover notes provided to the following year teacher.

If there is no evidence of improvement a referral to the school psychologist may be completed.

Enrol at our School


Landsdale Primary School

To enrol at our school your child must meet eligibility requirements

Together We Grow

We respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting, the Wadjuk Noongar people. It is a privilege to be standing on Wadjuk country. We also acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together – Australia.

T: 08 9408 3850

Landsdale Primary School
The Broadview, Landsdale WA 6065

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