Is my child old enough to start Kindy in 2025? Please use the school age calculator to determine when your child can commence Kindergarten.
At Landsdale Primary School we are governed by the Department of Education as to our local intake area. You can view our map here Landsdale PS Intake Map below.
We are unable to guarantee a place if you live outside of our catchment area. We are only able to consider out of area enrolments if we have the space and capacity available. Please contact the school if you are out of area for further information.
Please complete an Application for Kindergarten 2025 below. Please note that we will need to sight and photocopy the following documents:
Email and attach the above documents to or alternatively you can drop your documents into our office.
We will carefully consider your enrolment and be back in touch with you in mid-August.
For all other enrolment information, please phone the office on 9408 3850.