If a child is sick or has an accident, we often need to contact parents/carers. Please ensure the school has current contact details for you. Since we do not have the facilities to care for sick children, we kindly ask that you keep sick children at home for the day. Please keep your enrolment information up to date and inform us promptly of any changes to phone numbers, addresses, or emergency contacts so we can maintain accurate student records.
To request that school staff administer prescribed medication, please visit the school office. Parents should refrain from making individual requests to class teachers. If your child requires medication during school hours, including asthma preventers or relievers, please provide the medication to the school along with the completed necessary form.
If your child has any of the following conditions, please obtain and share a medical emergency plan from their doctor or medical professional:
A medical emergency plan will be kept on file to help ensure your child’s safety.